Toy Tokyo is a store located in Manhattan that sells collectable toys. My goal was to create a character that looked both modern yet vintage. The text is meant to look similar to the toy packaging that would have both English and Japanese text.
t-shirt design.
One of Toy Tokyo's biggest competitors is online stores. To help draw in more customers my group and I came up with original "cube character" designs that could be given to the customers with their purchase. This would be an added bonus to coming into the store and also encourage the customer to come back.
I created these badges for an online gym group. These badges would be rewarded to its members based on their activity.
This logo is for a small business that can convert most mountain bikes into a self powered electric bike.
Sticker layout to be placed on battery pack.
Battery pack
This logo was created for the sequel of "Phantom of the Opera". The text is meant to resemble the Art Nouveau style.
Different versions of the logo.
Over the summer of 2012 I had the opportunity to design a card game app. New York Switch'em is similar to Texas Hold'em with a few changes.
App icon
Back of card design.
Game layout
This is a book cover design for a non-profit organization that builds schools in third world countries.